Direct Version
- 01☞ Romeo and Juliet, A Romantic Story of the Ancient Feud Between the Italian Houses of Montague and Capulet (1908); directed by J. Stuart Blackton (USA)
- 02☞ Romeo and Juliet (1908); filmed extract from a performance at the Lyceum Theatre; director unknown (UK)
- 03☞ Romeo e Giulietta (1908); directed by Mario Caserini (Italy)
- 05☞ Romeo e Giulietta (1912); pathécolor adaptation; directed by Ugo Falena (Italy)
- 06☞ Romeo and Juliet (1916); first feature-length adaptation; directed by John W. Noble and Francis X. Bushman (USA)
- 07☞ Romeo and Juliet (1916); released the same week as, and in direct competition with, the Noble and Bushman adaptation; directed by J. Gordon Edwards (USA)
- 08☞ Romeo and Juliet (1924); the balcony scene filmed at a performance from the Regent Theatre, London; John Gielgud‘s film debut; director unknown (UK)
09☞『ロミオとジュリエット』1,2 – (USA)
- 10☞ Scenes from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (1937); first TV adaptation; directed by Royston Morley (UK)
- 11☞ Julieta y Romeo (1939); directed by José María Castellví (Spain)
- 12☞ Romeo and Juliet (1947); first full length TV adaptation; directed by Michael Barry (UK)
- 13☞ Romeo and Juliet (1947); directed by Akhtar Hussein (India)
- 14☞ Romeo and Juliet (1949); TV adaptation for The Philco Television Playhouse; directed by Albert McCleery (USA)
- 69☞『ロメオとジュリエット物語』 – レオ・アルンシュタム、レオニード・ラブロフスキー監督、1954年、旧ソ連、R:U・ジダーノフ、J:ガリーナ・ウラノワ
- 15☞ Romeo and Juliet (1954); directed by Renato Castellani (UK/Italy)
- R:ローレンス・ハーヴェイ(26歳)、J:スーザン・シェントル(19歳)
- 16☞ Romeo and Juliet (1954); TV adaptation for Kraft Television Theatre; directed by Richard Dunlap(USA)
- 17☞ Romeo e Giulietta (1954); made-for-TV movie; directed by Franco Enriquez (Italy)
- 18☞ Romeo and Juliet (1955); TV adaptation for Sunday Night Theatre; directed by Harold Clayton (UK)
- 19☞ Romeo and Juliet (1957); TV adaptation for Producers’ Showcase, broadcast from The Old Vic; directed by Michael Benthall; directed for television by Clark Jones (USA)
- 20☞ Romeo and Juliet (1962); five-part TV serialisation; directed by Prudence Nesbitt (UK)
- 21☞ Romeo and Juliet (1964); directed by Riccardo Freda (Italy/Spain)
- 22☞ Romeo en Julia (1964); made-for-TV movie; directed by Jack Dixon (Netherlands)
- 23☞ Romeo und Julia (1964); made-for-TV movie; directed by Gerhard Klingenberg (West Germany)
- 24☞ Romeo y Julieta (1966); made-for-TV movie; directed by María Herminia Avellaneda (Argentina)
- 25☞ Romeo and Juliet (1966); filmed version of a stage performance from the Jerwood Vanbrugh Theatre; directed by Val Drumm and Paul Lee (UK)
- 26☞ Romeo and Juliet (1967); TV adaptation for Play of the Month; directed by Alan Cooke (UK)
27☞『ロミオとジュリエット』3 –(UK/Italy)
(論文)ゼフィレリ版映画『ロミオとジュリエット』 逢見明久, オウミアキヒサ – 英米文学, 2010 – repo.komazawa-u.ac.j
- 28☞ Romeo and Juliet (1969); made-for-TV production that never aired; directed by Gordon McDougall (UK)
- 29☞ Romeo y Julieta (1972); made-for-TV movie; directed by José Antonio Páramo (Spain)
- 30☞ Romeo & Juliet (1976); Thames Television; full-text production of 186 minutes; directed by Joan Kemp-Welch (UK)
- 31☞ Romeo & Juliet (1978); TV adaptation for the BBC Television Shakespeare; directed by Alvin Rakoff (UK)
- 32☞ The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (1982); straight-to-video production played out on an Elizabethan stage in a replica of the Globe Theatre; directed by William Woodman (USA)
- 33☞ Romeo en Julia (1989); made-for-TV movie; directed by Berend Boudewijn and Dirk Tanghe (Netherlands)
- 92☞ Romeo.Juliet (1990); a bag lady travels around Venice rescuing stray cats, whilst voiceovers recite extracts from the play; directed by Armondo Acosta (Belgium/UK)ベニスのホームレスの女性が救った白猫ジュリエットがニューヨークで野良猫ロミオと出会う物語。
Other Version
- 45☞ Roméo et Juliette (1900); Romeo sings an aria from Charles Gounod‘s 1867 operatic adaptation of the play; directed by Clément Maurice (France)ロミオがグノーのオペラのアリアを歌うオペラ版(フランス)
- 46☞ Romeo und Julia (1909); Juliet sings the waltz from Gounod‘s operatic adaptation; director unknown (Korea)ジュリエットがグノーのワルツを歌うオペラ版(韓国)
- 47☞ Roméo se fait bandit (1909)(ロミオ、悪者と闘う); comedy short set in contemporary Paris; directed by Romeo Bosetti (France)
- 48☞ Romeo and Juliet in Our Town (1910)(わが街のロミオとジュリエット); comedy short set in contemporary New York City; director unknown (USA)コメディ
- 49☞ Indian Romeo and Juliet (1912)(インドのロミオとジュリエット); a boy from the Huron tribe falls in love with a girl from the Mohican tribe; directed by Laurence Trimble (Korea)
- 50☞ Romiet and Julio (1915)(ロミエットとジュリオ); 野良猫アニメanimated short featuring stray cats; directed by John Randolph Bray (USA)
- 51☞ Romeo and Juliet (1915); アマチュアによるバーレスク4burlesque about an amateur dramatic society’s attempts to stage the play; directed by Will Kellino (UK)
- 52☞ Romeo and Juliet (1919); animated parody of the balcony sceneバルコニーシーンのパロディアニメーション; directed by Anson Dyer (UK)
- 53☞ Romeo und Julia im Schnee (1920)(スクリーンのロメオとジュリア); 現代のババリアに舞台設定されたコメディcomedy adaptation set in contemporary Bavaria; directed by Ernst Lubitsch (Germany)
- 54☞ Romeo and Juliet (1920); burlesque directed by Vin Moore (USA)ヴィン・ムーア(1879-1949)監督のバーレスク
- 55☞ Doubling for Romeo (1921)(意訳;ロミオとダブる僕); ロミオとジュリエットを読みながら寝てしまった男が自分の人生の実在の人物と小説の人物をダブらせてしまう設定a man falls asleep whilst reading Romeo and Juliet and dreams about people from his life morphing into characters from the play; directed by Clarence G. Badger (USA)
- 56☞ Romeo and Juliet (1924); バルコニーシーンのパロディparody of the balcony scene; directed by Reggie Morris and Harry Sweet (USA)
- 57☞ A Rarin’ Romeo (1925)(ラリンのロミオ); comedy short in which a bumbling actor causes chaos during a production of the play; directed by Archie Mayo (USA)
- 58☞ Drama Deluxe (1927)(ドラマ・デラックス); comedy short in which an actor causes the set to collapse during a production of the play; directed by Norman Taurog (USA)
59☞ Felix the Cat as Romeeow (1927)『フィリックスのロミオとジュリエット』(猫のフィリックスのロミャウウ); part of Pat Sullivan‘s Felix the Cat series; directed by Otto Messmer (USA)
- 60☞ The Hollywood Revue of 1929(ハリウッドレビュー1929);シリアス版とスラング版の2本立て features two versions of the balcony scene, one a serious recitation of Shakespeare, the other a parody using contemporary slang; directed by Charles Reisner (USA)
- 61☞ Romeo and Juliet (1933); ショートアニメanimated short; directed by Frank Moser (USA)
- 62☞ Shakespearean Spinach (1940)(シェークスピアのほうれん草);ポパイとオリーブのショートアニメ animated short which sees Popeye as Romeo and Olive Oyl as Juliet; directed by Dave Fleischer (USA)
- 63☞ Romeo in Rhythm (1940)(ロミオ・イン・リズム); ショートアニメanimated short; directed by Rudolf Ising (USA)
- 64☞ Shuhaddaa el gharam (1942)(愛の犠牲者たち);現代のエジプトが舞台 set in contemporary Egypt; released in the USA as Victims of Love and in the UK as Romeo and Juliet; directed by Kamal Selim (Egypt)
- 65☞ Romeo y Julieta (1943);メキシコ版コメディ recasts the play as a farce; directed by Miguel M. Delgado (Mexico)
- 66☞ Les amants de Vérone (1949)(ヴェローナの恋人たち);第二次大戦後のイタリアが舞台で、ムラノグラスの職人とファシストの行政判事の娘が主人公。 during the shooting of a major new film version of the play, the lives of two actors begin to mirror the plot; directed by André Cayatte (France)
- 67☞ Tong lin niao (1950); 現代チベットが舞台の香港映画set in modern Tibet; not released until 1955; directed by Doe Ching (China)
- 68☞ Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953)(海底12マイル); 漁師の息子がリゾート開発ビジネス組織の娘がフロリダの海岸で出会う物語。the son of a small-time fisherman falls in love with the daughter of the man trying to put his father out of business; directed by Robert D. Webb (USA)
- 70☞ Giulietta and Romeo (1955);舞台を近代のイタリアの村に設定 TV comedy adaptation for Conrad Nagel Theatre; relocates the story to a modern Italian village; directed by John Mantley (USA)
- 71☞ The Same Sky (1956)(同じ空);ユダヤ教の家族の娘とキリスト教の家族の息子が恋に落ちる物語 TV adaptation for Armchair Theatre; modernisation in which the daughter of an orthodox Jewish 5family falls in love with the son of a Christian family; directed by Dennis Vance (UK)
- 72☞ Romeo i Julija (1958); 舞台を先史時代としたユーゴスラビアのショートアニメanimated short which relocates the story to a prehistoric 6milieu; directed by Ivo Vrbanic (Yugoslavia)
- 73☞ Romeo, Julia a tma (1960); 舞台はナチ政権下のチェコスロバキアset during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, a young student falls in love with the Jewish girl he is hiding from the authorities; directed by Jiří Weiss (Czechoslovakia)
- 74☞ Romanoff and Juliet (1961)(ロマノフとジュリエット); 冷戦を風刺。political satire7 which filters the play through a Cold War milieu; directed by Peter Ustinov (USA)
アカデミー賞10部門受賞 脚色賞 、撮影賞、編集賞、美術賞、衣裳デザイン賞、録音賞
助演女優賞リタ・モレノ(ゴールデングローブ賞助演女優賞も受賞)12はアカデミー賞、トニー賞、グラミー賞、エミー賞を受賞した女優としてギネスブックにも載っています。 - 76☞ Los Tarantos (1963)(タラント家);1960年代のバルセロナで敵対するジプシーのコミュニティの二人が恋に落ちる物語 adaptation of Alfredo Mañas‘ 1962 play, Historia de los Tarantos, inspired by Romeo and Juliet but transferring the story to the gypsy community (in the slums) of Barcelona in the 1960s; directed by Francisco Rovira Beleta (Spain)
- 79☞ Kako su se voleli Romeo i Julija? (1966); 現代のユーゴスラビアの都市ベオグラードで、金持ちの息子とスラムの娘が恋に落ちる物語set in contemporary Belgrade13, the son of a wealthy family falls in love with the daughter of a family from the slums; directed by Jovan Zivanovic (Yugoslavia)
- 80☞ Romeo si Julieta (1968); ルーマニアのショートアニメanimated short; directed by Bob Călinescu (Romania)
- 90☞ The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet (1969)(ロミオとジュリエットの秘密のセックスライフ);ゼッフェレッリの映画のパロディの、ソフトポルノ soft porn sexploitation film 14which spoofs Franco Zeffirelli‘s 1968 adaptation of the play; directed by Peter Perry, Jr. (USA)
- 91☞ Romeo of the Spirits (1976)(意訳;アル中ロミオ); 一度はシェイクスピア俳優だった男のアル中人生を描くショートフィルムshort film depicting the day in the life of an alcoholic tramp who was once a celebrated Shakespearean actor; directed by Nikolas L. Janis (UK)
- 93☞ Sieben Sommersprossen (1978);サマーキャンプで出会った14歳の少女と15歳の少年の初恋、初めてのセックス、初めての自主映画作成。1970年代の西ドイツの若者を描いています15。 a 14-year-old girl and 15-year-old boy fall in love at a holiday camp, despite the best efforts of the adults to keep them apart; directed by Herrmann Zschoche (East Germany)
- 95☞ Maro Charitra (1978); 現代インドが舞台。ヒンディ語を話す少女とタミール語を話す隣人が恋に落ちます。set in contemporary India, a Hindi-speaking girl falls in love with a Tamil-speaking neighbour; directed by K. Balachander (India) 34☞1981年、2010年にリメイクされています。
- 『Maro Charitra (2010)』; remake of Maro Charitra; directed by Ravi Yadav (India)
- 96☞ Mônica e Cebolinha: No Mundo de Romeu e Julieta (1978); 人気アニメ「モニカと仲間たち」16のキャラクターによるアニメ版 animated version of the play featuring the characters from Monica’s Gang; directed by José Amâncio (Brazil)
- 97☞ Runaway Robots! Romeo-0 and Julie-8 (1979)(意訳;逃げろロボット!ロミオ・ゼロ+ジュリエ・エイト); ライバイル会社の2体のロボットが恋に落ちる短編アニメ。animated short telling the story of two robots from rival robot manufacturing companies who fall in love; directed by Clive A. Smith (Canada)
- 98☞ Romeu e Julieta (1980);ブラジルの 世界遺産の街並みオウロ・プレットを舞台としたTV版。TV adaptation which modernises the story and relocates it to the town of Ouro Preto17; directed by Paulo Afonso Grisolli (Brazil)
- 99☞ Vam i ne snilos… (1981); 現代モスクワの高校生の恋。set in contemporary Moscow, two high school students fall in love, much to the chagrin of their parents; directed by Ilya Frez (Russia)
- 34☞ Ek Duuje Ke Liye (1981); 95☞ インド映画『Maro Charitra』(1978年)のリメイク。; directed by K. Balachander (India)
- 35☞ Shiriusu no densetsu (1981)(シリウスの伝説)18; 恋人たちを火と水に置き換えたアニメ版。animated film in which the prince of the Water Children falls in love with a Fire Child; directed by Masami Hata (Japan)
- 36☞ Roméo et Juliette (1982); パリ、オペラ座でのグノーのオペラ。TV broadcast of a stage production of Gounod‘s operatic adaptation from the Paris Opera; directed by Yves-André Hubert (France)
- 38☞ Romeo and Juliet on Ice (1983)(ロミオとジュリエット・オンアイス);フィギュアスケート版。 TV adaptation with the story told through figure skating; directed by Robert Iscove (USA)
- 41☞ Romeo i Julija (1984); モンスター達が演じるショートアニメ。animated short in which the play is performed by a group of monsters; directed by Dušan Petričić (Yugoslavia)
- 42☞ Narekohme gi Monteki i Kapuleti (1985); 対立する2家族を描いたアニメ版。animated film about two warring families whose children fall in love; directed by Donyo Donev (Bulgaria)
- 43☞ China Girl (1987)(チャイナ・ガール);対立するギャングの、 イタリア人少年と中国人少女の恋物語。an Italian boy falls in love with a Chinese girl, leading to gang warfare between their respective communities; directed by Abel Ferrara (USA)
- 44☞ Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (1988)(QSQT); 対立する家族の息子と娘の恋愛を描く、1990年代のボリウッド映画テンプレートともなったロマンス映画。a long-standing blood feud between two families is complicated when the son of one falls in love the daughter of the other; directed by Mansoor Khan (India)
- 40☞ Rami og Julie (1988)(ラミとジュリエ);デンマークのコペンハーゲンに住むペレスチナ難民が、差別主義者から助けてくれた恋した若い女性に恋します。 a Palestinian refugee living in Copenhagen is rescued from a gang of racist thugs by a young woman with whom he falls in love; directed by Erik Clausen (Denmark)
- 39☞ Montoyas y Tarantos (1989)(モントーヤとタラント);79☞『Los Tarantos (1963年)』のリメイク。 adaptation of Alfredo Mañas‘ , Historia de los Tarantos, inspired by Romeo and Juliet; directed by Vicente Escrivá (Spain)
- 37☞ Romuald et Juliette (1989)(ロミュアルドとジュリエッテ);白人のビジネスマンが黒人の家政婦と恋に落ちます。 a white businessman falls in love with his black housekeeper; directed by Coline Serreau (France)
- 77☞ Torn Apart (1990)(意訳:涙の別離);イスラエル・パレスチナ紛争時にイスラエルのユダヤ人がパレスチナ女性と恋に落ちる物語。 during the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, an Israeli Jew falls in love with a Palestinian woman; directed by Jack Fisher (USA/Israel)
- 78☞ Romeo and Juliet (1990); グノーのオペラのステージ。TV broadcast of a stage production of Gounod‘s operatic adaptation from the Creighton Orpheum Theater; directed by Leon Major; directed for television by Michael Farrell (USA)
- ウィキペディア(日本語)ロミオとジュリエット_(1936年の映画)
- Wikipedia(English)Romeo_and_Juliet_(1936_film)
- ウィキペディア(日本語)ロミオとジュリエット_(1968年の映画)
- ウィキペディア(日本語)バーレスク
- ウィキペディア(日本語)正統派_(ユダヤ教)
- ウィキペディア(日本語)先史時代
- ウィキペディア(日本語)風刺
- ウィキペディア(日本語)ウェストサイド物語(映画)
- ウィキペディア(日本語)ロバート・ワイズ
- ウィキペディア(日本語)ジョージ・チャキリス
- ウィキペディア(日本語)あしやからの飛行
- ウィキペディア(日本語)リタ・モレノ
- ウィキペディア(日本語)ベオグラード
- ウィキペディア(日本語)セックスプロイテーション
- IMBd>Sieben Sommersprossen (1978)
- ウィキペディア(日本語)モニカと仲間たち
- ウィキペディア(日本語)オウロ・プレット
- ウィキペディア(日本語)シリウスの伝説