- 01☞『ラヴェンナ』(Ravenna)(1878年)詩集、III
- 02☞『ヴェラ、実は虚無主義者たち』(Vera; or, The Nihilists)(1880年)悲劇、II
- 03☞『詩集』(Poems)(1881年)詩集
- 04☞『パドヴァ大公妃』(The Duchess of Padua)(1883年)悲劇、II
- 05☞『カンタヴィルの亡霊』(The Canterville Ghost)(1887年)短編小説、I
- 06☞『幸福な王子その他』(The Happy Prince and Other Tales)(1888年)第1童話集、III
- ☞『幸福な王子』/07☞『ナイチンゲールとバラ』(The Nightingale and the Rose)/08☞『わがままな大男』(The Selfish Giant)/09☞『忠実な友』(The Devoted Friend)/10☞『素敵なロケット』(The Remarkable Rocket)
- 11☞『W. H. 氏の肖像』(The Portrait of Mr.W.H.)(1889年)、IV
12☞ドリアン・グレイの肖像 (新潮文庫) オスカー ワイルド (著), Oscar Wilde (原著), 福田 恒存 (翻訳)5つ星のうち4.0 125個の評価
『ドリアン・グレイの肖像』(The Picture of Dorian Gray)(1890年)長編小説
14☞ドリアン・グレイ 美しき肖像(1972)カラー映画
- TVドラマ
- 18☞1976年-『ドラマ・ドリアングレイの肖像』(BBC Play of the Month-The Picture of Dorian Gray)
- 19☞1982年 -『美女ドリアン・グレイの秘密<別題:幻想(まぼろし)のドリアン・グレイ>』(The Sins of Dorian Gray)製作:アメリカ
- 舞台化
- 日本での上演作品
20☞1996年版 同名タイトルで宝塚歌劇団星組によって舞台化作品が上演
21☞2009年版 世田谷パブリックシアターにて上演。主演は山本耕史
22☞2015年版 新国立劇場中劇場、森ノ宮ピロティホール、主演は中山優馬
23☞2018年版 梅田芸術劇場シアター・ドラマシティ - イギリスでの舞台化
24☞『ドリアン・グレイ』のタイトルで、2008年にマシュー・ボーンによりダンス作品として舞台化 - 韓国での舞台化
- 日本での上演作品
- 26☞『アーサー・サビル卿の犯罪その他』(Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories)(1891年)中短編小説集、I
- 『アーサー・サビル卿の犯罪』(1887年)/27☞『謎のないスフィンクス』(The Sphinx Without a Secret)(1887年)/28☞『カンタヴィルの亡霊』(The Canterville Ghost(1887年)/29☞『W・H 氏の肖像』(The Portrait of Mr. W. H.). 井村君江訳、工作舎 1989年/
- 30☞『模範的百万長者』(The Model Millionaire)
- 31☞『社会主義下の人間の魂』(The Soul of Man under Socialism)(1891年)評論、IV
- 32☞『意向集』(Intentions by Oscar Wilde)(1891年)評論集、IV
- 33☞『芸術家としての批評家』(The Critic as Artist)/34☞『嘘の衰退』(1889年)(The Decay of Lying)/35☞『ペン、鉛筆と毒薬』(Pen, Pencil and Poison)(19世紀英国の画家・批評家・毒殺魔、 トーマス・グリフィス・ウェインライトの小伝。義妹を保険金目当てで殺害しておきながら、動機は彼女の足首が太かったからと、ウェインライトが囚人仲間に吹聴したと書かれている)/36☞『仮面の真実』(The Truth of Masks)
- 37☞『ザクロの家』(A House of Pomgranates)(1891年)第2童話集、III
- 38☞『若い王』(The Young King)/39☞『王女の誕生日』(The Birthday of the Infanta)/40☞『漁師とその魂』(The Fisherman and His Soul)/41☞『星の子』(The Star-Child)
- 42☞『裁きの家』(The House of Judgement)(1893年)散文詩、III
- 43☞『ウィンダミア卿夫人の扇』(Lady Windermere’s Fan)(1893年)喜劇、II
- 44☞『スフィンクス』(The Sphinx)(1894年)詩集
- 45☞『つまらぬ女』(A Woman of No Importance)(1894年)喜劇、II
- 46☞『青年のための成句と哲学』(Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young)(1894年)箴言[1]、III
- 47☞『理想の夫』(An ideal Husband)(1895)戯曲、II
ケイト・ブランシェット:ガートルード・チルターン役 – 夫と共に模範的な夫婦として尊敬されている女性ですが、実は夫はパーティでウィーンから来たチーブリー夫人に過去の投機に関してゆすられています。
ルパート・エヴェレット:アーサー・ゴーリング卿役 – 社交界きっての36歳独身プレイボーイ。ローラ・チーヴリー夫人 – ウィーンの上流階級の顔。
メイベル・チルターン – ガートルードの夫の妹。ロバート・チルターン – 新進気鋭の議員。ガートルードの夫。メイベルの兄。アーサーの親友。
フィップス – アーサーの召使い。
キャヴァーシャム卿 – アーサーの父。アーサーを結婚させたがっている。
- 48☞『真面目が肝心』(The Importance being Earnest)(1895年)喜劇、II
- 49☞『レディング牢獄の唄』(The Ballad of Reading Gaol)(1898年)詩、III
☞サロメ (光文社古典新訳文庫) ワイルド (著), 平野 啓一郎 (翻訳) 5つ星のうち4.3/ 37個の評価。

ヘロデやヘロディアなどはアラム語を喋っていたのかもしれないが、ローマからの使者たちとはラテン語だったのか?フローベールの《エロディア》の中では、シリア総督にちゃんと通訳がついている。兵士たちは、ヨナカーンの言葉がわからないと言っていて、これまでは当たり前のように、その晦渋な予言の内容が理解できないのだろうと思われてきたが、ひょっとすると彼のヘブライ語のせいなのではあるまいか? (訳者あとがきより)
三つの物語 ギュスターヴ・フローベール (著), 太田浩一 (翻訳)
だがそれが完全にワイルドの独創であったとはいいきれない。ルネ・ラジールの指摘によれば、新約聖書で彼女を記述するのに用いられるギリシア語は「女の子供」を意味する。三島は座談会において「サロメは僕はspoiled childに作りたいのです」と発言している。(田中雄介の解説より)
アッタ・トロル―夏の夜の夢 (岩波文庫 赤 418-4) ハイネ (著), 井上 正蔵 (翻訳)5つ星のうち5.0/ 1個の評価
金閣寺 (新潮文庫)三島 由紀夫 (著)5つ星のうち4.3/ 247個の評価
演出しているうちに主人公がサロメと酷似していることに気づいた。特殊な環境で育った純真無垢な少年や少女。思春期に、世間から見れば許させれない犯罪行為が、彼らにとっては気付きと達成、成長を意味している。ワイルドの人生をたどっていくうちにヘテロセクシュアルな視点にありがちな、セクシュアルな魔性の女性のような解りやすい話ではないと感じた(『サロメ』によせて 演出家 宮本亜門より)
花ざかりの森・憂国 (新潮文庫) 三島 由紀夫 (著) 5つ星のうち4.2/ 78個の評価
この映画の演出のシーン。主人公の自害後の能舞台に広がる濃厚で真っ黒な血の上を、真っ白な花嫁衣裳を着た美しい妻が足袋で通りすぎ、その引きずったまっ白の裾が、ずずうっと血を引っ張っていくシーン(『サロメ』によせて 演出家 宮本亜門より)
☞サロメ図像学(2003)井村 君江 (著)5つ星のうち5.0/ 1個の評価
☞サロメ―永遠の妖女 (新潮選書) 単行本 – 1989/7/1 山川 鴻
- ☞シュトラウスのオペラ(1905)10
☞Rシュトラウス:サロメ(コヴェントガーデン王立歌劇場)ナディア・ミヒャエル (出演), フィリップ・ジョルダン (出演)
☞R.Strauss:Salome (2007) Teresa Stratas (出演), Bernd Weikl (出演), Friedrich (監督)5つ星のうち4.6/ 118個の評価
- ☞1961年、シュトラウスのオペラ演出で宮廷の奴隷たちとしてすべて若い男たちを並べたルキノ・ヴィスコンティ11は、バイセキュシュアルであることをオープンにしていました。
- ☞In 1906, Maud Allan created a production entitled Vision of Salomé, which debuted in Vienna. It was based loosely on Wilde’s play. Her version of the dance of the seven veils became famous (and to some notorious) and she was billed as “The Salomé Dancer”. A production of the play led to a libel case in 1918, when Allan was accused of promoting sexual immorality.
- ☞Antoine Mariotte also wrote Salomé in 1905, and he was involved in a debate with Strauss to prove that his music was written earlier than Strauss’s version. Mariotte’s version was premiered in 1908.
- ☞In 1918, a silent film adaptation of Wilde’s play was released by Fox starring Theda Bara and directed by J. Gordon Edwards. The film, having been a relatively big-budget production exploiting the wildly popular Bara at the height of her “vamping” career, proved quite popular – yet this also contributed to some of the controversy surrounding it. Many churches in the US at the time of its release protested against what they saw as blatant immorality -with an often scantily clad Bara showcasing her sexual appeal to audiences- appearing in a film about religious subject matter[28]
- ☞In 1923, a film adaptation of Salomé directed by Charles Bryant was
released. Alla Nazimova, the Russian-American actress, played the protagonist. 同性愛者としてのワイルドに焦点をあてているアラ・ナジモヴァの映画。
- ☞1930年、Salomé by Manuel Orazi12のイラストレーション→
☞In 1961, Caffe Cino playwright Doric Wilson wrote a comic re-imagination of Wilde’s Salome entitled Now She Dances!.
- ☞The play was adapted for Australian TV in 1968 with Frank Thring as Herod.
性の政治学(1970)ケイト・ミレット (著), 藤枝 澪子 (翻訳)5つ星のうち5.0/ 1個の評価
- ☞1970年代、『サロメ』ゲイを公言するリンゼイ・ケンプ13が、ワイルドの同性愛に焦点を当てて『サロメ』を演出しました。
- ☞1986年、モーリス・ベジャール14のバレエ演出で、サロメは男物がガウンをまとっていました。
- ☞The Canon Group produced a film adaptation, Salome[29] in 1986 directed by Claude d’Anna, a lavish period piece highly emphasised with sexual decadence, ambiguous WW2 inspired costumes and a breakthrough performance by Jo Champa in the title role delivering an exhilarating Dance of the Seven Veils.
- ☞Australian musician Nick Cave wrote a 5-act play entitled Salomé which is included in the 1988 collection of Cave’s writings, King Ink (the play alludes to the Gospel account, Wilde’s play, and Pierre Puvis de Chavannes‘s 1869 painting, The Beheading of John the Baptist).
- ☞Ken Russell directed a film version of the play, Salome’s Last Dance (1988)売春宿でワイルドのための私的に上演される体。
- ☞Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1993 musical Sunset Boulevard features a song in Act I entitled “Salomé”. The song highlights Salomé’s infatuation with John the Baptist, and foreshadows Norma‘s obsession and later murder of Joe.
- 07☞Throughout the 1994 movie A Man of No Importance and its 2002 musical adaption, the main character, Alfie, tries to produce a production of Salomé in his local church, and the play is often quoted and referenced.
- ☞The 1999 film Cookie’s Fortune depicts a small Southern town preparing for a community production of Salomé, with Camille (Glenn Close) as the director of the play and Cora (Julianne Moore) in the role of Salomé.
- ☞In the 1999 film Trick, the character Katherine is in a fictitious variation of Salomé whose story is set in a women’s prison. Aside from seeing characters in striped prison jumpsuits, however, no scene from the play is actually re-enacted.
- ☞The play, and most of the later filmed versions, have Herod as the centre of the action, dominating the play. Strong actors have been used to achieve this, such as Al Pacino in his 1980s Circle in the Square production; and in 2006, in a Los Angeles production.
- ☞In 2011 Al Pacino revisited Wilde’s play, this time with a documentary-drama entitled Wilde Salomé.[30] A version was released two years later as simply Salomé[31] minus the documentary elements with the stage performance as its sole focus. Written and Directed by Pacino himself, it featured redheaded Jessica Chastain as a crimson veil clad Salomé.
- 51☞『獄中記』(The Profundis)(1905年)書簡、VI
- 52☞『オスカー・ワイルド書簡集』(The Letters of Oscar Wilde)(2000年)
- 53☞『全集』(The First collected Edition of the Works of Oscar Wilde)(1908年 – 1922年)
- 54☞In 1946, Hesketh Pearson published The Life of Oscar Wilde (Methuen), containing materials derived from conversations with Bernard Shaw, George Alexander, Herbert Beerbohm Tree and many others who had known or worked with Wilde. This is a lively read, although inevitably somewhat dated in its approach. It gives a particularly vivid impression of what Wilde’s conversation must have been like.
- 55☞In 1987 literary biographer Richard Ellmann published his detailed work Oscar Wilde, for which he posthumously won a National (USA) Book Critics Circle Award in 1988[5] and a Pulitzer Prize in 1989.[6] It is considered by some the definitive work on the subject.[7] Ray Monk, a philosopher and biographer, described Ellmann’s Oscar Wilde as a “rich, fascinating biography that succeeds in understanding another person”.[8] However, it has gained the reputation among Wilde scholars of being very fallible on points of fact. Paul Chipchase wrote that “It would be dangerous to rely on any single statement of Professor Ellmann without examining the sources for it”, and Horst Schroeder that “his most elementary facts, attributions and quotations…were more often than not wrong”.[9]
- 56☞The book was the basis for the 1997 film Wilde, directed by Brian Gilbert.[10]
- 57☞In 1994, Melissa Knox published her psycho-biography, Oscar Wilde: A Long and Lovely Suicide. This book explores the ways in which Wilde’s literary styles and the events of his life developed in response to his desires, conflicts, and suffering. It offers new biographic information as well as new insights into Wilde as an artist.
- 58☞1999 saw the publication of Oscar Wilde on Stage and Screen written by Robert Tanitch. This book is a comprehensive record of Wilde’s life and work as presented on stage and screen from 1880 until 1999. It includes cast lists and snippets of reviews.
- 59☞In 2000 Columbia University professor Barbara Belford published the biography, Oscar Wilde: A Certain Genius.
- 60☞2000 also saw the publication of The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde, by literary biographer Joseph Pearce. It explores the Catholic sensibility in his art, his interior suffering and dissatisfaction, and his lifelong fascination with the Catholicism, which led to his deathbed embrace of the Church.
- 61☞In 2003, Century/Random house published The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde by Neil McKenna (Century/Random House), billed as the “first complete account of Wilde’s sexual and emotional life”.[citation needed] Often speculative in nature, it was widely criticised for its lack of scholarly rigour and pure conjecture.[11][12]
- 62☞In 2008 Chatto & Windus published Thomas Wright’s “Oscar’s Books”, a biography of Wilde the reader, which explores all aspects of his reading, from his childhood in Dublin to his death in Paris. Wright tracked down many books that formerly belonged in Wilde’s Tite Street Library, which was dispersed at the time of his trials; these contain Wilde’s marginal notes, which no scholar had previously examined. The book will be published as a Vintage paperback in September 2009.
- 63☞It was published in the USA as Built of Books: How Reading Defined the Life of Oscar Wilde (2009)
- 64☞In 2014, David M. Friedman published Wilde in America, the central core of which discusses Oscar’s American trip, but also provides a biography of his life, especially his early education and rise to fame.
☞サロメ (2015)文春文庫,原田 マハ (著) 5つ星のうち4.2/ 178個の評価
- 65☞In 2018, Head of Zeus Ltd in London published Matthew Sturgis‘ “Oscar: A Life.” It is the most comprehensive biography of Oscar Wilde to appear since Richard Ellmann’s seminal work in 1988. Sturgis is a subject expert in Victorian studies. His biography incorporates the vast amount of scholarship (and several rediscovered letters and documents) that have emerged in the last thirty years.
- 66☞In 1912 Arthur Ransome published Oscar Wilde, a critical study, a literary study of Wilde. This briefly mentioned Wilde’s life
- 67☞resulted in Ransome (and The Times Book Club) being sued for libel by Lord Alfred Douglas; a trial in April 1913 which in a way was a re-run of the trial(s) of Oscar Wilde. The trial resulted from Douglas’s rivalry with Robbie Ross for Wilde (and his need for money). Douglas lost; De Profundis which was read in part at the trial disproved his claims.[13]
68☞The Green Carnation (English Edition) 1894年Robert Smythe Hichens (著)5つ星のうち3.5 /18個の評価
☞グリーン・カーネーション 山岸涼子全集 25 (あすかコミックス・スペシャル 1-25) 単行本 – 1987/6/30 5つ星のうち5.0/ 4個の評価1892年2月22日『ウィンダミア夫人の扇』初演の際に、友人たちに当時パリでホモセクシュアルのシンボルであったグリーン・カーネーションをつけてくるように頼み、ワイルド自らもグリーン・カーネーションをつけスピーチを行いました。
- 70☞In 1955 Sewell Stokes wrote a novel, Beyond His Means, based on the life of Oscar Wilde.
- 71☞In 1983 Peter Ackroyd published The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde, a novel in the form of a pretended memoir.
- 72☞In 1990 Russell A.Brown published Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Friend of Oscar Wilde in which the writer consults the great detective.
- 73☞In 1991, cartoonist Dave Sim published Melmoth, a partially fictionalised account of Oscar Wilde’s last days, as a part of his graphic epic Cerebus.
- 74☞In 1987, Robert Reilly wrote and published The God of Mirrors, a novel based on the facts of Wilde’s “dazzling life and tragic fate.”
- 75☞The play Oscar Wilde (1936), written by Leslie and Sewell Stokes, based on the life of Wilde, included Frank Harris as a character. Starring Robert Morley, the play opened at the Gate Theatre in London in 1936, and two years later was staged in New York where its success launched the career of Morley as a stage actor.
- Two films of his life were released in 1960.
76☞The first to be released was映画 Oscar Wilde starring Robert Morley and based on the Stokes brothers’ play mentioned above.
77☞Then came映画 The Trials of Oscar Wilde starring Peter Finch. At the time homosexuality was still a criminal offence in the UK and both films were rather cagey in touching on the subject without being explicit. - 78☞In 1960, the Irish actor Micheál MacLíammóir began performing a one-man show called The Importance of Being Oscar. The show was heavily influenced by Brechtian theory and contained many poems and samples of Wilde’s writing. The play was a success and MacLiammoir toured it with success everywhere he went. It was published in 1963.
- 79☞In 1972, director Adrian Hall’s and composer Richard Cumming’s play Feasting with Panthers, based on Wilde’s writings and set in Reading Gaol, premiered at the Trinity Repertory Company in Providence, Rhode Island.
- 80☞In the summer of 1977 Vincent Price began performing the one-man play Diversions and Delights. Written by John Gay and directed by Joseph Hardy,[14] the premise of the play is that an ageing Oscar Wilde, to earn some much-needed money, gave a lecture on his life in a Parisian theatre on 28 November 1899 (just a year before his death). The play was a success everywhere it was performed, except for its New York City run. It was revived in 1990 in London with Donald Sinden in the role.
- 81☞In 1977, the La Mama Theatre in Melbourne, Australia staged Barry Dickins’ one-act play The Great Oscar Wilde Trial. Starring Ross Dixon in the title role, the play was a dramatization of the three trials that ruined Wilde’s career.[15][16].
- 82☞In 1978 London Weekend Television produced a television series about the life of Lillie Langtry entitled Lillie. In it Peter Egan played Oscar. The bulk of his scenes portrayed their close friendship up to and including their tours of America in 1882. Thereafter, he was in a few more scenes leading up to his trials in 1895.
- 83☞Michael Gambon portrayed Wilde on British television in 1985 in the three-part BBC series Oscar concentrating on the trial and prison term.
- 84☞1988 saw Nickolas Grace playing Wilde in Ken Russell‘s film Salome’s Last Dance.
- 85☞In 1989 Terry Eagleton premiered his play St. Oscar. Eagleton agrees that only one line in the entire play is taken directly from Wilde, while the rest of the dialogue is his own fancy. The play is also influenced by Brechtian theory.
- 86☞Tom Holland‘s 1988 play (radio version 1990, professional performance 1991) The Importance of Being Frank relates Wilde’s trial, imprisonment and exile, using quotation and pastiche of The Importance of Being Earnest.
- 87☞In 1994 Jim Bartley published Stephen and Mr. Wilde, a novel about Wilde and his fictional black manservant Stephen set during Wilde’s American tour.
- 88☞Moises Kaufman‘s 1997 play Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde uses real quotes and transcripts of Wilde’s three trials.
- 89☞Wilde appears as a supporting character in Tom Stoppard‘s 1997 play The Invention of Love and is referenced extensively in Stoppard’s 1974 play Travesties.
- 90☞Avoiding the restrictions on the two films from 1960, British actor Stephen Fry portrayed Wilde (whose fan he had been since the age of 13) in the 1997 film Wilde to critical acclaim – a role that he has said he was “born to play”.
91☞Fry, an acknowledged Wilde scholar, also appeared as Wilde in the short-lived American television series Ned Blessing (1993). - 92☞David Hare‘s 1998 play The Judas Kiss depicts Wilde’s scandal and disgrace at the hands of his young lover Bosie.
- 93☞In 1999, Romulus Linney published Oscar Over Here which recounts Wilde’s lectures in America during the 1880s, specifically in Leadville, CO, as well as his time in prison and a death fantasy which included a conversation with a Jesus Christ figure. The first performance of this work was in New York in 1995.
- 94☞The main character in the Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty musical A Man of No Importance identifies himself with Oscar Wilde, and Wilde appears to him several times.
- 85☞In 2000, Australian actor Sam Sejavka starred in the one-man show Believe Me, Oscar Wilde at the La Mama Theatre in Melbourne, Australia[17].
96☞The script was written by playwright Barry Dickins, who had also previously penned The Great Oscar Wilde Trial for La Mama back in 1977[18]. - 97☞Actor/playwright Jade Esteban Estrada portrayed Wilde in the solo musical comedy ICONS: The Lesbian and Gay History of the World, Vol. 1 in 2002.
- 98☞Oscar: in October 2004, a stage musical by Mike Read about Wilde closed after just one night at the Shaw Theatre in Euston after a severe critical mauling.
- 99☞De Profundis in 2004, a theatrical adaptation of Wilde’s letter of the same name, was performed by Don Anderson at the Segal Centre for the Arts in Montreal, Quebec. Receiving psitiver reviews and playing to sold out audiences, the role won Anderson the MECCA, Montreal English Critic’s Circle Award, for best actor of 2004.[citation needed]
- 69☞An opera by Theodore Morrison and John Cox based on Wilde’s life is to be premiered by the Santa Fe Opera in their 2013 summer festival, starring countertenor David Daniels in the title role. It received a co-commission with Opera Company of Philadelphia through its American Repertoire Program, and will show there in 2015.[19]
29☞さすらいの人 オスカー・ワイルド(2018)The Happy Prince ゲイを公言しているルパート・エヴェレット Rupert Everettが監督・脚本・主演。自身も若き日に美しい青年ともてはやされたルパートが、美少年を愛する(青年から見て醜く)太って貧乏な中年を演じ、97年からオスカーが死ぬまで3年半を「幸福な王子」の物語をからめて描いています。友人で同性愛者の作家ターナー15をコリン・ファースが演じています。
- ウィキペディア(日本語)オスカー・ワイルド
- リーグ・オブ・レジェンド/時空を超えた戦い – Wikipedia
- 理想の結婚 (映画) – Wikipedia
- サロメ (戯曲) – Wikipedia
- Aubrey Beardsley illustrations for Salome by Oscar Wilde | The British Library (bl.uk)
- 幼児虐殺 – Wikipedia
- ドラマツルギー (社会学) – Wikipedia
- ドラマツルギーとは – コトバンク (kotobank.jp)
- 没薬 – Wikipedia
- Richard Strauss – Wikipedia
- ルキノ・ヴィスコンティ – Wikipedia
- マニュエル・オラツィ – Wikipedia
- リンゼイ・ケンプ – Wikipedia
- モーリス・ベジャール – Wikipedia
- Wikipedia(English)Reginald_Turner
- Wikipedia(English)Biographies_of_Oscar_Wilde